March 20, 2025

TCAPS Hosts Ribbon Cuttings at Two Innovation and Manufacturing Centers

TCAPS Ribbon Cuttings April 10, 2025 4:00 PM at Traverse City West Senior High School and 5:30 PM at Traverse City Central High Schools

TCAPS will soon celebrate the completion of two construction projects at both Central High School and West Senior High School. The schools’ Innovation and Manufacturing Centers will officially each host a ribbon cutting ceremony on April 10 to showcase the new spaces.

The Innovation and Manufacturing Centers are the final projects from the District’s 2018 Capital Bond millage. The groundbreaking began in late 2023 and now students and staff are ready to move in. 

“These centers are a game changer for our high schools,” commented Superintendent Dr. John VanWagoner. “It is exciting to have appropriate facilities to match the success of this growing field of study.”

In addition to the various classes associated with STEM, an acronym for Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math, the buildings are also designed for manufacturing and will house the robotics teams at each school.

The community is invited to attend the ribbon cutting ceremonies on April 10. West Senior High School will begin at 4:00 followed by Central High School at 5:30. There will be an opportunity to tour the centers immediately following each ribbon cutting.