December 15, 2022

Joe Sharrow

Joe Sharrow

Athletic Director
West Senior High School, Class of 2006

Joe Sharrow graduated from TCAPS in 2006. After graduation, he completed his Bachelor's degree in Social Science - Community Relations at Michigan State University and went on to earn his Master's degree in Educational Leadership from Central Michigan University. He is now the athletic director at Charles E. Jordan High School in Durham Public Schools in North Carolina's research triangle region. C.E. Jordan is one of the largest high schools in the state and Joe leads one of the state's premier interscholastic athletic programs.

After graduating from Michigan State University, Joe began his career as a middle school social studies and English teacher in the Chicago Public Schools. Following his time in Chicago, he relocated to North Carolina and began teaching high school social studies at Southern Vance High School in Henderson, North Carolina. In 2014, Joe was named Southern Vance's Athletic Director. At 26 years old, he was the youngest public school athletic director in the state. In 2018, Southern Vance and Northern Vance High Schools were consolidated to create the newly formed Vance County High School, where he served as the first athletic director for the newly formed school. He was recognized by Vance County Public Schools with the Vanceformation Award, which is presented to a school system employee who goes above and beyond their normal duties to rethink, reform, re-imagine, and renew the educational process in their school. He also served as an assistant principal.

When asked how his TCAPS education has helped him, he said, "having the opportunity to be introduced to positive male role models in TCAPS was very valuable for my personal development. A few who really stand out to me are Ryan Ranger, former West Senior High teacher and baseball coach who is now an Assistant Principal at West Middle School, Matt Prisk, former West Senior High teacher and football coach who is now retired, and Greg Farmer, former West Senior High and Central High School teacher and basketball coach who is now retired."

He went on to say that these role models inspired him to pursue a career in education and give back to his community. Joe also credits the wide variety of extra-curricular and co-curricular educational opportunities that TCAPS is able to provide students with varying interests. These opportunities allowed him to grow as a person, gain new skills, and explore different interest areas within a safe and organized environment led by passionate teachers, coaches, and club sponsors.

"As an educator, I am a firm believer in teaching students skills that encourage success beyond the classroom and the wide array of opportunities that I was able to participate in at TCAPS prepared me well for life beyond high school," said Sharrow.

Since leaving TCAPS, Joe says he is most proud of working with students and aiming to have the type of impact on their lives that his teachers and administrators in TCAPS were able to have on him. "I have dedicated my life to working in low-income communities that serve large percentages of black and brown students. I have seen numerous former students go on to successful careers and college experiences, including student athletes who now compete in the collegiate and professional level. I am proud to be a leader of interscholastic athletics and education in both the state of North Carolina and the nation, serving in various roles with the North Carolina Athletic Directors Association and the National Interscholastic Athletic Administrators Association."

Sharrow encourages current students to be themselves and pursue activities that truly interest them. He says, "While navigating the social landscape of middle school and high school can be overwhelming, you’ll get the most satisfaction out of your educational experience if you focus on the people and activities that feel right to you, regardless of what seems cool or acceptable at that moment."