Test Out Information

About Test Out

Under Michigan legislation, high school students may request the opportunity to “test out” of any high school class they select. The intent of Section 1279b is to allow students to demonstrate knowledge and skills they already possess to enroll in higher level courses. If you believe you have the extensive knowledge and background to demonstrate competency in a course, you may wish to consider this opportunity.

A student who successfully tests out of a course will receive credit toward graduation for the course. In order to pass, the legislation requires students to achieve a C+ (78%) or better. The test out grade will simply be a “pass” and will not be included in the calculation of the student’s grade point average.  Some courses require students to complete extended projects and/or research papers, in addition to passing the test out final exam. There are no study guides or review packets to prepare for these exams. All tests are aligned to External LinkMichigan State Subject Standards as outlined by MDE.

2025-26 Test Out Information

Students need to declare their intent to test out by completing an online application form. Application forms will open in March of 2025. 

High School Test Out Application Form

Middle School Test Out Application Form

Middle School Students

Current TCAPS middle school students who are attempting to earn high school credit as part of their regular math or world language classes do not need to fill out the application. To earn high school world language or math credit, TCAPS middle school students will be taking the same test out exams for world language and/or math as any other student, during their regular school day. 

The application does apply to TCAPS middle school students who would like to attempt to test out of a course that is not part of their regular classes. For example, if a TCAPS middle school student would like to attempt to test out of a required middle school course, he/she would need to fill out the online application form and attend a testing session to attempt to earn credit. Application forms will open in March of 2025.

For More Information

Questions regarding Test Out should be directed to the student's Guidance Counselor at school or Emily Spica, Executive Assistant to the Chief Academic Officer - Secondary, at spicaem@tcaps.net or 231.933.1779.