TCAPS believes education is a partnership between our schools, students and parents. The following resources are intended to assist students in staying connected with our schools and answer questions about student services, programs, extracurriculars, and more. If you are unable to find what you are looking for or have a suggestion for improving the website, please contact us at
Academic Services
Academics & Curriculum
Traverse City Area Public Schools aligns curriculum and assessment with the Michigan Department of Education ‘Common Core K-12 Standards’ (CCK-12) and the ‘Common Core College and Career Readiness Standards’ (CCR) for both mathematics and literacy (English language arts, 6-12 history/social studies, science, and tech subjects). Courses are reviewed, assessments developed, and student materials and resources are purchased to comply with the new Common Core Standards and graduation requirements.
Traverse City Area Public Schools is committed to preparing every student with the knowledge and strategies needed for a lifetime of successful learning and responsible global citizenship through its rigorous and relevant K-12 curriculum, and its academic and extra curricular student programs.
Summer Programs
TCAPS has many exciting summer learning and camp opportunities for children of all ages. All programs are available to children living in the Traverse area region as well as those visiting the area for the summer.
Tutoring Services
Tutoring Services
Click here for a full list of tutoring options and contact information
UpNorth Virtual (K-8)
About UpNorth Virtual
Traverse City Area Public Schools is pleased to offer families a full-time K-12 online learning program. Open to K-12 students in the five-county region, UpNorth Virtual (UPNV) provides a unique opportunity for students to receive 100% of their courses virtually while still being part of a local school community.
Every student learns differently and what works for one, may not work for another. No matter the reason, whether it's the uncertainty of the COVID-19 pandemic, you are homeschooled, or you just prefer to work at your own pace, UpNorth Virtual is here for you.
Indigenous Education Program
About the Program
TCAPS’ Indigenous Program meets the unique needs of Native American and Alaska Native students. The goal of the program is to improve student proficiency and graduation rates. The program provides assistance to students early on and throughout their learning journey at TCAPS.
The program is funded by a federal grant through the U.S. Department of Education as part of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act and is administered through the Office of Indian Education. The program is further supplemented through additional grant monies from the Grand Traverse Band of Ottawa and Chippewa Indians’ Community 2% Funds.
Graduation Information
For additional information about TCAPS high schools, click here.
Support Services
Student Support Network (SSN)
Student Support Network
The Student Support Network (SSN) provides assistance for non-academic needs which may create obstacles to receiving a quality education.
This program also provides services to students, ages 3-20, who lack fixed, regular and adequate housing. SSN ensures the educational rights of families and youth as required by the McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act.
School Social Work Services
The Role of a School Social Worker
Traverse City Area Public Schools’ certified school social workers are licensed and experienced master’s level professionals who hold an integral role within our buildings across the district.
Community Mental Health Resources
Youth Behavioral Community Resources within GT County & beyond
FAST Team (through Northern Lakes CMH)- Crisis Line- 1-833-295-0616
Munson Behavioral Health- 231-935-6382
MAIN LINE- 231-946-8975
Michael’s Place- Grief and Loss Support- 231.947.6453
Pine Rest Mental Health Services- 866.852.4001
Munson/ ER (9-11)
MyStrength app: (use access code; NLCMHCommunity)
Statewide or National:
OK2Say: Stop The Silence. Help End The Violence.
TCAPS would like to remind all students to always speak up when they hear or learn of any potential threat. Students can always talk to any staff member, call 9-1-1, or can anonymously report an incident at any time to the OK2SAY tip line (855-565-2729), text to 652729, or email
Sextortion: What You Should Know
A cyber crime, known as sextortion, is circulating again online and targeting teens, primarily teen males. Recent forms of sextortion involve a predator posing as a teen who is interested in forming a friendship or romantic connection. The online relationship will eventually lead to manipulating the victim to exchange sexual texts and pictures. The teen will then be told this content will be posted to the internet unless a large sum of money is sent to an overseas account via Western Union or PayPal. If the teen says no, the threat escalates. Exact details of the scam vary case by case.
Although we are not aware of this issue in Traverse City, it is happening across our state. It is necessary for parents and teens to have an awareness and engage in age-appropriate conversations with their children as a preventative measure about internet safety and sextortion.
If your child becomes a victim of this scam, it is important they understand they are a victim and should not feel shame. Do not comply with the request, stop all communication with the predator, and report the situation.
- Report Online
Trustworthy websites work hard to keep off sexual images of minors and will remove them if notified. You can also report anyone who is posting or sharing images of you. - Report to
This tip line can connect you with the experts best suited to work on your case. They may contact the website or the police, or reach out to you for more details. You can report without sharing your name and can even make a report for a friend if they need help. - Report to Law Enforcement
Law enforcement can help stop an image from spreading by working with websites/apps and will talk with the people sharing it.
Extracurricular Services
Obtaining Student Work Permits
Student Work Permits
Following is the school district’s process for student work permits:
- Student obtains a copy of the appropriate blank work permit form from his/her employer or by using the appropriate link below (based on student age).
Link to Work Permit for students ages 16 or 17
Link to Work Permit for students under 16 years of age
- Student completes Section 1.
- Student takes the form to his/her Employer.
- Employer completes Section 2.
- Student goes to his/her school or the administration office with completed form and school ID or state ID card/driver’s license.
- School or administration office reviews the work permit, confirms information with the student's PowerSchool record and ID that is presented, and completes Section 3 of the work permit. School makes a copy of the work permit for the student's file.
- Student takes his/her completed work permit to his/her employer.
If you have questions about this process or need further assistance, please speak with your school’s main office or call TCAPS' Human Resources office at 231.933.1710.
TCAPS Events & Ticketing
Below you'll find information about upcoming TCAPS events, as well as links to tickets, if needed. If you ever have questions about an upcoming event, please contact your school front office or the school/organization hosting the event.
Upcoming Events
March 10, 11, 17, &18: WSH Theatre Department Presents, Our Town
Theatre and Music
CHS Calendar
WSH Band Calendar
WSH Orchestra Calendar
WSH Vocal Calendar
Visual Arts
TCAPS Annual K-12 Student Art Show
Traverse City Central High School Athletics Calendar
Traverse City West Senior High School Athletics Calendar
For additional information about school events, visit your school's calendar on the homepage of their website!
Extracurricular Opportunities
To see a full listing of extracurricular opportunities at TCAPS, click LEARN MORE
Learning, Enrichment & Athletic Programs (LEAP)
LEAP, also known as the Learning, Enrichment and Athletic Program, provides athletic, arts and enrichment opportunities for preschool through 12th grade students. It is the vision of LEAP to provide students with increased opportunities for engagement beyond the school day through educational and recreational activities to improve learning, health, and wellness. Programs goals include 1) ensuring access to available programming for each student committing to participate in athletic and/or recreational activities offered through LEAP, and 2) participants, coaches, parents, and spectators will demonstrate the highest degree of sportsmanship at all times.