Parents & Students
Below you will find information, resources and links to the most commonly asked for information.
2024-2025 Orientation Information
August 19 - EMS Student Orientation Last Name A-L 11:00 a.m. - 7:00 p.m.
August 20 - EMS Student Orientation Last Name M-Z 11:00 a.m. - 7:00 p.m.
TC East Middle School Newsletters
Follow the link below to view all 2023-24 school newsletters!
TCAPS K-12 Courses
TCAPS offers both in-person and 100% virtual learning options for students in grades K-12. Below you'll find resources to assist with your class selections:
2024-2025 Registration Information
Enrollment Resources for Future Trojans | 5th into 6th Grade Students
- 2024-2025 Middle School Course Selection Guide
- EMS 5 to 6 FAQs 24-25
- EMS 5 to 6 Transition/Registration 24-25
- 6th Grade Enrollment Requests
- Honors Decision Support
- LEAP Fact Sheet 24-25
Enrollment Resources for Current 6th & 7th Grade Students
- 2024-2025 Middle School Course Selection Guide
- 7th Grade Enrollment Requests
- 8th Grade Enrollment Requests
- Honors Decision Support
Order Pictures with Lifetouch
TCAPS partners with Lifetouch, Inc. for school pictures. You can order pictures online at using your student ID or EMS Picture Day ID: EVTPDWWC2
East Middle School Photo Days:
Last Names A-L: Monday, August 19, 10AM - 6PM
Last Names M-Z: Tuesday, August 20, 10AM - 6PM
Picture Retake Day: Wednesday, October 9, 10AM - 12PM
Daily Announcements
How to Report Bullying
How to Report Bullying
Traverse City Area Public Schools takes bullying very seriously and will investigate all reported incidents. Reports can be made by contacting your school office or by filling out the TCAPS Bullying Preventions & Intervention Incident Reporting Form.
All reported incidents reported will follow the bullying/cyberbullying investigative process.
Lunch Information
Breakfast & Lunch Information
- Menus & Prices
- Nutritional Information
- Pay for Lunch Online
- My School Interactive Online Menus
- My School Menus Video Tutorial
- Free/Reduced Online Lunch Application
- Request for Special Dietary Needs Accommodation Form
Find Out if You Qualify for Free/Discounted Meals
TCAPS is proud to offer healthy meals to our students every school day. Children need healthy meals to fuel their learning and your child(ren) may qualify for free or reduced meal benefits.
Whether or not your child plans to participate in the free and/or reduced meals program, the information is vital for the district. It is used not only to determine meal prices for qualifying families, but it is also used as part of the application process for a number of grants and other opportunities TCAPS participates in. We are pleased to be able to offer qualifying families with free or discounted meal rates, so if you think your family might qualify, please apply today.
PowerSchool Public Portal
PowerSchool Public Portal can be accessed by both students and parents to view class schedules, keep track of grades and attendance, set up email notifications, and receive comments from teachers.
School Schedules
Snow Days
There are multiple ways you can find out if school is closed due to inclement weather:
- All local radio and televisions stations announce school closings on a regular basis
- Call the bus hotline - 231.933.1955
- Visit the district website or the school website. A pop up will come on the screen if there is a closing alert (pop up blocker must be turned off)
- Follow the district on Facebook and/or Twitter
Want more information? View Snow Day FAQs
For Students
Classroom Resource Links
Documents & Resources
- Athletic Physical Form
- Concussion Information & Form
- Enrollment Information & Forms
- Free/Reduced Lunch Online Application
- Medication Treatment Form
- Student/Parent Laptop Agreement Form
- Yearbook Orders & Information
Documents & Resources
Services & Information
Helpful Research Websites
Today's News
Local Weather and Information
- Underground Weather for T.C.
- 9&10 Doppler Weather
- 7&4 Storm Team State Radar
- The Weather Channel
- National Weather Service Enhanced Radar Image, Gaylord, MI Radar
Check an Encyclopedia
Quick Access to Reference & Research
Career Education
- Bridges-CX Online (home use available with password from LMC)
- Occupational Outlook Handbook
Links for Teachers
- Middle Web
- Virtual Middle School Library
- National Middle School Association
- Block Scheduling
- Intervention Central
More databases and resources can be found under the Library Media Center section on the Parents & Students webpage.
School Locker Tips
One of the biggest challenges to new students is the school locker. Here are a few helpful tips:
- Step 1: Get your locker assignment. East Middle School gives out locker assignments at registration when you get your books and schedule of classes. The locker assignment will tell you your locker number and the combination that you will need to open the locker.
- Step 2: Write down your combination in several places. It is easy to forget your locker combination at first. Be sure you have it written down on something in your backpack, at home and a copy with your parents if all else fails. If you really forget your locker combination and don't have a backup written somewhere, the office can usually look it up for you.
- Step 3: Do a test run. If you get your locker combination in advance, ask your parents to take you over to the school so you can find your locker and practice opening it.
- Step 4: Locate the locker. While lockers have numbers on them you might also want to find a memorable landmark to help you find it quickly such as a heating vent, classroom door, or bulletin board that is close to your locker. The faster you find your locker when you are in school, the more time you will have to get what you need and get to class on time.
- Step 5: Practice the locker combination several times. All locker combinations have three numbers. The standard combination lock has you turn right to the first number, left past the next number and then to it again, then right to the last number. Practice opening your locker until you can do it with ease. Don't worry, you won't be the only one who is doing it for the first time.
School Store
Store Hours
- Monday, Wednesday, Friday
- 7:20 AM - 7:40 AM
Items for Sale
- Trojan swag (pens, pencils, key chains, gym bags, clothing)
- Gum, mentos, etc.
Store Advisors
The store is run by students in the middle school and is supervised by Advisors, Izaak Kramer and Brenda Schwind. Students interested in applying for the school store must complete an application and participate in an interview with store advisors and managers.
More Information
Izaak Kramer, Advisor
Brenda Schwind, Advisor
Student Work Permits
Student Work Permits
Following is the school district’s process for student work permits:
- Student obtains a copy of the appropriate blank work permit form from his/her employer or by using the appropriate link below (based on student age).
Link to Work Permit for students ages 16 or 17
Link to Work Permit for students under 16 years of age
- Student completes Section 1.
- Student takes the form to his/her Employer.
- Employer completes Section 2.
- Student goes to his/her school or the administration office with completed form and school ID or state ID card/driver’s license.
- School or administration office reviews the work permit, confirms information with the student's PowerSchool record and ID that is presented, and completes Section 3 of the work permit. School makes a copy of the work permit for the student's file.
- Student takes his/her completed work permit to his/her employer.
If you have questions about this process or need further assistance, please speak with your school’s main office or call TCAPS' Human Resources office at 231.933.1710.
For Parents
Attendance Procedures
Attendance Line - 231.933.7444
Regular school attendance is important and a major factor in the academic success of each student. Active participation and interaction by students in the classroom is an essential part of the instructional process and is only experienced through regular attendance. The primary responsibility for ensuring regular school attendance rests with the parent(s)/guardian(s) and the student. Through the cooperative efforts of parent(s)/guardian(s), it is hoped each student will develop attendance habits and attitudes which will be helpful to his/her present and future endeavors.
All student absences and lateness (tardies) must be communicated with the school office.
Please be sure to include the following information when communicating with the school office:
- Student’s full name (with spelling)
- Teacher's name
- Applicable date and time
- Your name and relationship to the student
- Reason for the student’s absence (If ill: report student's symptoms and diagnosis by doctor if applicable)
- Length of time you expect the student to be absent or tardy
- Number where you can be reached
Busing & Transportation
If your busing needs change at any time, please contact your school office or call the transportation department at 231.933.1933 for more information.
- Bus Hotline (for closings and bus delays) - 231.933.1955
- District Boundary Map
- Transportation Department: for bus parking maps, shuttle schedules, half day dismissal and bus stop drop times, contact information, etc.
- Transportation Request Form
Field Trip Info & Forms
Translation Services
Interpreter/Translation Services
Interpreting during any meeting or translation of any documents will be provided for any parent who requests interpreting or translating. The process to request these services is:
- Contact your school and make a request. The school will then make the request through the Human Resources Department, and an interpreter will be provided.
- A school may use the Tele-Interpreter Service if no interpreter is available, or if interpreter/translation services are an immediate need.
Throughout the school year, East Middle School looks for parent volunteers to help in various positions. If you are interested in volunteering, please contact the main office or speak with your child's teacher. All volunteers will need to complete the district's online volunteer application and a background check before volunteering at the school. To complete the application and for more information on volunteering, please visit the district's volunteer page. Thank you for your support!
Yearbook Orders
Order your Trojan yearbook here. Enter code 2858 to find East Middle School
Student Programs
Award Winning Journalism Programs
East Middle School is proud to have award winning scholastic journalism programs, with our Digital Media & Communications and Newspaper classes. Students in DMC create the school yearbook and produce Trojan TV, a weekly newscast that highlights school news through interviews, taping, and editing video. In Newspaper, students write for Trojan News covering student life, TCAPS news, and more. Together, the two programs also produce The Link, an online multi-media website that showcases all things Trojan News.
Seventh and eighth grade students interested in joining DMC or Newspaper should be responsible team players, and have a desire to learn and be active in the production of the publications.
Clubs & Academic Teams
- Book Club: Join in book talks in the school library with the Library Media Assistants.
- Math Counts Club: This club meets during lunch and after school to work on math concepts and to prepare for math competitions. Advisor: Bob Sagan
- National Junior Honor Society: a community-minded group of students who have qualified with GPAs of 3.5 or better working together to promote community support within the greater TC area and EMS to support those in need. Advisor: Izaak Kramer 231.933.7396
- Robotics Teams: Each team works to solve problems and compete with other schools.
- GSA (Gay-Straight Alliance): Supports both members of the LGBTQIA+ community and those who are allies of that community. It is a safe space for students where we discuss issues related to inclusion and belonging, do some crafts, and support each other. Advisor: Erin Riedel 231.933.7456
Positivity Project Resources
Positivity Project Family Information
“I can sum up positive psychology in just three words — other people matter. Period. Anything that builds relationships between and among people is going to make you happy.” -Dr. Chris Peterson
What is The Positivity Project?
Of this, I’m Positive beautifully encapsulates the essence of The Positivity Project (P2)—an organization dedicated to empowering America’s youth to build positive relationships by recognizing the character strengths in themselves and others. Their vision is to help schools and families cultivate citizens and leaders who will enhance our communities and country. Positive psychology’s scientifically validated 24 character strengths serve as its foundation. Positive psychology teaches that people have all 24 strengths within them – and that character is not just skills or behaviors, but rather an intrinsic part of each of us.
P2 is not a program with strict guidelines. Instead, it educates teachers on the character strengths and relies on them to teach in a way that best meets their students’ needs. It is a school-wide endeavor, grounded in the consistency of daily classroom instruction. Their model is holistic; it incorporates students, educators, and parents through regular interaction with character strengths vocabulary and concepts.
P2 helps educators instill vocabulary and the meaning of the character strengths through explicit teaching of each strength for 15 minutes per day. Schools will dedicate one week to each strength to help students understand them through definition, examples, discussions, and exercises. Schools and educators are encouraged to tailor P2 for their own best use, as they know their students and curriculum better than anyone else.
What are the benefits of implementing The Positivity Project?
P2 evolves throughout a student’s entire school career. The 24 character strengths develop and gain more meaning for students as they grow. Once students learn the meaning of each strength and what it looks like, they can then be embedded into the curriculum in every subject area. The character strengths become a part of a common vocabulary and they will see them in everything that they do.
P2 empowers students by acknowledging that the 24 character strengths are already a part of who they are as people. It helps them to realize that each and every one of them have these strengths. We want children to internalize the traits that society honors. Acknowledgement to oneself and realizing that you have the power to affect others in a positive way is much more meaningful and rewarding.
Positive character strengths can and should be acknowledged in the classroom, as it gives students a richer understanding of what the character strength looks like in their peer group. Students understand that they have their own “Super Power” and they will be acknowledged and valued for their own character strengths.
How can you help?
Check out The Positivity Project’s 2022-23 Annual Calendar to follow along with what character strengths your child is learning about each week! We would love for you to take an active role in your child’s character education by tapping into P2 for Families/P2 Para Familias. By using the character strengths vocabulary and having discussions about the concepts, you will help your child understand the character in themselves and others in a different light. You can also follow our social media handles to see what we’re doing each day.
Character Strength Definitions