CHS Library
Library Materials
In your library:
Online Library Catalog - search for BOOKS and VIDEOS from all TCAPS schools
Brilliant Books - Online book fair featuring global authors.
Download to your personal device:
TCAPS Virtual Library - search for E-BOOKS and AUDIOBOOKS to download Login with your regular school username and password.
Research Databases
To access databases from home, use the password "school".
PowerSearch Power search ALL of our databases and the Michigan eLibrary at once
Gale E-Books Search thousands of digitized reference books
Academic OneFile Discover a comprehensive collection of authoritative periodicals and scholarly journals
Opposing Viewpoints in Context Current issues in the news, magazine, journals and more
World History in Context History through primary sources, articles & reference
U.S. History in Context Significant people, events and topics in U.S. history
JSTORExplora for High School
Online Resources
Pros and Cons Find your issue and information to support both sides Portal to federal and state government documents, statistics, laws, etc.
National Archives Governmental records of all kinds, from artwork and literary manuscripts to military records and pensions