CHS Trojan News
Congratulations to our 2025 Model United Nations award winners! Frannie Harbold and Jackson Nichols received highest honors in their crisis session, Charlie Hammersley got Second Honors in the DiSec (die seck) committee while representing Malta, and Stella Larrance was recognized with Second Honors, representing Saudi Arabia in the Social, Humanitarian and Cultural Committee. Our countries for next year are France, Italy, Ireland, Costa Rica and the Democratic Republic of the Congo. If you are interested in participating next year, please stop by Dr. Lynch's room, C187.
Join us for the 20th annual Disney and Desserts performance at CHS on Saturday, March 15th. Support your CHS friends as they transform our auditorium into a Disney spectacular, performing selections from the Greatest Showman, HS Musical and all of the Disney favorites such as Encanto, the Jungle Book, Mary Poppins, Frozen, The Little Mermaid and the Lion King. Choose between two shows: 11:00am and 4:00pm. Tickets are $5 for students, $15 for adults and can be purchased at the door (cash or check only). Tickets include the performance, delicious desserts, and activities for young children in the auditorium lobby following the show. Bring your younger siblings!
Traverse City Area Public Schools (TCAPS) announced that Standard & Poors (S&P) Global Ratings assigned an ‘AA-’ rating with a stable outlook for $81.3 million series 2025 general obligation (GO) school building and site bonds. S&P Global Ratings also affirmed its 'AA-' rating on the district's existing GO debt.
Parent/Teacher Conferences are TONIGHT, from 4:30-7:30pm! Families interested in learning about Dual Enrollment & Early College are encouraged to attend an information session tonight during conferences, offered at 5pm and 6pm in the Library.
There will be a Fellowship of Christian Athletes' meeting on Thursday morning at 7:20am in Coach Schugar's classroom, C130. All students are welcome.
TOMORROW, Tuesday March 4th, after the Early Release Day, SEA club will be having a Clothing Swap in the cafeteria! It will be a piece for a piece of clothing and all are welcome!
Please enjoy the February 2025 edition of TCAPS’ district newsletter.
Congratulations to our Trojan Athletes traveling to State competition this weekend!!
Carter Banton is heading to Allen Park for Individual State Competition in Bowling.
Grady Rousse and Michael Risinger are heading to Ford Field for State Competition in Wrestling.
Good Luck, Trojans!!!
SENIORS, make sure to get your scholarship application submitted to the Grand Traverse Regional Community Foundation. The deadline is March 3rd. There are hundreds of scholarships available!