Clubs & Student Extracurricular Activities
Clubs are an excellent way for students to be involved during their high school years. Below are several clubs offered at Central High School.
View a complete list of all clubs and student activities available at TC Central.
Debate Team
TC Central's Debate Team: the largest policy debate team in the state!
What is debate?
Students learn the intricacies of debate through covering everything from the detailed rules and procedures that are part of debating to the best way to research a topic. They also learn how to discern what's relevant in the overabundance of information that is now available on the Internet. Students learn and successfully utilize research techniques, critical thinking skills, presentation skills and leadership skills all the while tackling meaty national issues. High school debaters can also qualify for college scholarships. For TCAPS students, honors debate class counts toward a visual performing applied arts (VPAA) credit.
For more information contact Ms. Polus.
Who may join the debate team?
Any 9th-12th grader who is interested in defeating an opponent using evidence, strategy and persuasive speaking may join. People on the debate team do NOT have to take the debate class, and people in debate class do NOT have to be on the team.
Students can sign up anytime. There are no cuts. Everyone who comes to practice gets to debate competitively. Experience is preferred, but not necessary. There are three levels of competitive policy debate: novice, junior varsity, and varsity.
Fellowship of Christian Athletes
Fellowship of Christian Athletes is the largest Christian campus ministry in the world. Here at
Central, Fellowship of Christian Athletes meets every other Thursday at 7:20 a.m. in room C130. For more information, click on the link or contact Mr. Schugars at Learn more about the Fellowship of Christian Athletes at
Key Club
Key Club is a service organization for high school students, which operates under school regulations and draws its membership from the student body. Key Club is unique because it is sponsored by a local Kiwanis club, composed of the leading business and professional people of the community. Key Club's objective is the development of initiative, leadership ability, and good citizenship practices.
Key Club is different because it functions not only on the local level, but also on a district and international level. This highly developed structure provides programs, literature, and the opportunity to relate to teenagers from countries all around the world. Key Club is the largest service organization of its kind with over 160,000 members in approximately 4,200 clubs.
For more information contact Dr. Lynch.
The first Key Club was sponsored in May 1925 at Sacramento High School in California by the Kiwanis club of Sacramento. The original concept was to develop a vocational guidance program aimed to combat the problems of student fraternities. From this evolved the idea of a service organization for the home, school and community.
This idea slowly spread throughout the country, and by 1939, Florida had a sufficient number of Key Clubs functioning to hold a state convention and form a district. Other districts followed Florida's lead, and finally in 1943, a national organization was started. In 1946 the first club in Canada was formed. Also, to establish a strong foundation, the Key Club International Constitution and Bylaws were adopted during that same year. Today there are clubs in Aruba, Australia, Bahamas, Barbados, Canada, Cayman Islands, Jamaica, Netherlands Antilles, Philippines, Republic of China, St. Lucia, Trinidad, Tobago, the United States, Colombia, Bermuda, Panama, and New Caledonia.
Kiwanis Support
Each Key Club must have a sponsoring Kiwanis club. The members of the Kiwanis clubs are dedicated to seeing that Key Clubs are active and thriving. They spend a great deal of time and energy on Key Clubs' behalf to ensure a successful program. There is also a district and international level of Kiwanis that is pledged to the support of Key Clubs. Kiwanians on all three levels are valuable sources of information, wisdom, and insight. Finally, there is an international office in Indianapolis, Indiana, devoted to Key Clubbers' needs. The international office serves as a clearinghouse for Key Club information, keeps the records, handles the correspondence, provides effective liaison between Key Clubs and Kiwanis, conducts the annual international convention, and handles the organization's international publication - Keynoter.
Like most worthwhile organizations, Key Club costs money. Key Club International annual dues are just a few dollars per member. Through these dues each Key Clubber receives seven issues of the official publication -Keynoter, an official membership/ theme emphasis card, a Key Club Manual (one free per club), a wealth of literature (from the role of the faculty advisor and welcoming new members to training new officers and suggestions for Key Club Week), a chartering service for new clubs, and many other services. There are also individual dues for the district organization. Some clubs charge club dues.
An international convention is held in July of each year. This convention is the highlight of the Key Club year and is usually attended by over 2,500 people. At the convention a new major emphasis program for the coming year is unveiled, new International Officers are elected, the constitution and bylaws are amended, and clubs are able to compete in various contests. The district organization also holds annual conventions of similar nature and structure during the spring of the year. Both conventions provide excellent programs and educational forums, utilize superb speakers, and offer the opportunity to make lasting friendships.
Your Club
Although there are district and international levels within the Key Club Program, the local club is the foundation and strength of this organization. It is the member and club which perform the real services. Also, another unique feature of Key Club is that it is run by the Key Clubbers themselves; the adults are there to advise and counsel only. You develop the programs, you organize the projects, you run the meetings, and you take the initiative to serve. It should also be noted that Key Club is not a fraternity or secret organization and its membership is open to all qualified students. Key Club can be a tremendous asset to your home, school, and community if you are willing to become involved and show you care. The success of your club is dependent only on your willingness and desire to work hard enough to make your efforts felt.
Model U.N.
Model United Nations, also known as Model UN, provides students the opportunity to take on the role of delegates to the United Nations and simulate UN committees. Participants are assigned a country to represent and spend considerable time researching their country in preparation for attending Model United Nations conferences. Model UN participation helps students learn skills in public speaking, debate, critical thinking, leadership, writing as well as how to work as a team.
Web Sites for Model U.N. Research
United Nations Information
- United Nations:
Obtain historical information as well as information about the current issues. Multiple links are available to narrow search of departments or topics. Site index is most helpful and can link you to online publications including recent issues of U.N. Chronicle. Documentation Canter will link to all resolutions and decisions. - United Nations OnLine:
The United Nations OnLine is basically a virtual model United Nations sponsored byGEMUN, or Global Elementary Model United Nations, a service activity of The Robert Muller School, a non-profit organization in Arlington, Texas. The purpose of UNOL is to bring students from around the world together using the power of the Internet on a nonprofit basis for educational purposes. The UNOL seeks to:
- Promote world peace and study the means necessary for its development
- Inform and educate the public about the activities of the
United Nations system.
- Develop participants' abilities in leadership, communication, interaction, and other skills so necessary in a modern interdependent society.
- Demonstrate the importance and effectiveness of exchanging ideas, understanding different cultures, and cooperating in pursuit of common goals.
- To promote goodwill and cooperation between delegates participating in the simulation.
- United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees:
Up-to-date information about refugee situations globally.
Information About Countries
- INCORE (Initiative on Conflict Resolution and Ethnicity):
INCORE lists annotated resources for news and background information, related e-mail lists and newsgroups, articles and documents, maps, NGOs and other related resources dealing with current conflicts. Also hosts a collection of full-text peace agreements. - Rulers:
Site contains lists of heads of state and heads of government as well as some international organizations.
News Sources
- The following are also listed on the CHS library media center page:
- BBC News Service:
Excellent source for news and analysis.
National Honor Society
NHS meets the first Wednesday of every month at 7:45 a.m. in the auditorium.
Applications to National Honor Society are available in the fall. You must be at least a sophomore to apply and have a cumulative GPA of 3.5 and above. Discipline records are reviewed along with absences and tardies during the process. Please contact Mrs. Puckett at if you have any questions.
The National Honor Society was founded in 1921 with the hope to create an organization that would recognize and encourage academic achievement while developing other characteristics essential to good citizenship. The ideals of scholarship, character, service and leadership are as important today as they were in 1921.
National Honor Society – Traverse City Central High School
According to the National Association of Secondary School Principals (NASSP), sponsoring organization of the National Honor Society (NHS), NHS is more than just an honor roll. The Honor Society chapter establishes rules for membership that are based upon a student's outstanding performance in the areas of scholarship, service, leadership, and character. These criteria for selection form the foundation upon which the organization and its activities are built. Our NHS chapter is chartered and affiliated with the national organization. Once members are selected and inducted, they are expected to maintain the same performance or better in all areas.
Students who have a cumulative grade point average of 3.5 (on a 4.0 scale) meet the scholarship requirement for membership. These students are then eligible for consideration on the basis of service, leadership, and character.
This quality is defined through the voluntary contributions made by a student to the school or community, done without compensation and with a positive, courteous, and enthusiastic spirit. CLARIFICATIONS: Participation in events or fundraisers with a team, band, or place of worship does not count toward service requirements, unless the activity is specifically intended as an outreach to the community at large.
Student leaders are those who are resourceful, good problem solvers, promoters of school activities, idea-contributors, dependable, and persons who exemplify positive attitudes about life. Leadership experiences can be drawn from school or community activities while working with or for others.
The student of good character upholds principles of morality and ethics, is cooperative, demonstrates high standards of honesty and reliability, shows courtesy, concern, and respect for others, and complies with all school policies and civil laws. The following format will be used to determine selection for membership. Students must have satisfactory performance in each area.
Standard/ Source of Information |
Leadership | Service | Character |
Student Activity Information Form |
| Cocurricular/ Community Activities |
Teacher 1 Rec |
Teacher 2 Rec |
Adult Rec |
Student Record |
N/A | N/A | Discipline/ Attendance |
Selection Procedure
- Students are invited to apply to NHS in the fall. Announcements are made about where to obtain the applications. The application process includes an essay and three recommendations (2 from teachers and 1 from a non-relative adult). Dates for return are included in the application.
- When all applications are received, the list of prospective candidates is sent to all staff for their input.
- The advisor reviews all applications for completeness and checks attendance and discipline records.
- All documents are reviewed by the Faculty Advisory Committee. Acceptance is done by majority vote of the committee.
- Students will be notified by letter of their acceptance or rejection. Any issues will be noted in the rejection letter. Students not accepted may meet with the advisor to address areas of concern.
- All documents used to determine selection are confidential. The Faculty Council is entrusted to uphold the integrity of NHS standards and agrees to use professional discretion in making decisions regarding the selection of each student.
- Students become full members by participating in the Induction Ceremony which is held after the 1st semester of the following year.
Dismissal Procedure
- Students selected for membership must maintain all standards.
- Students demonstrating unsatisfactory status in any area are notified in writing of probationary status for one semester.
- Member may be dismissed following unsatisfactory performance during or after probationary period.
- Members may withdraw membership by submitting a written request for withdrawal or by inattendance and lack of due payment during the first marking period of the school year.
- Students notified of dismissal from NHS.
Members are expected to attend meetings once a month and participate in community service activities. The advisor is Julie Puckett. Any questions about NHS activities or students new to Central High who were members previously should contact Mrs. Puckett by email or by calling 231.933.6957.
Visit the Pines Yearbook website for ordering information, deadlines, photo submissions and more. To get involved, please email advisor Gina Houdek at
Guidelines for Establishing Clubs and Sponsors
The guidelines below were designed for club activities and sponsors and also include the process for establishing a new club at Central High School.
Club Programs and Selecting Club Sponsors
Considerations for Establishing an Interscholastic Club
Anyone interested in establishing a club must complete a TCAPS Club Application. The school principal or his/her designated representative shall review the following criteria when considering the establishment of a club upon receipt of a TCAPS Club Application.
- Facility availability
- Staffing capability
- Supervision capability
- Funding capability
- Available community programs
- Appropriateness for student age group
- Student safety
- Insurance
- Availability of appropriate competition
- Alignment with school and district philosophy
- Title IX compliance
Approval Process
- Once the school principal has reviewed the application, it will be sent to the superintendent as appropriate.
- The superintendent will review the club application and forward to the Board of Education as appropriate.
- Upon board approval of the club application, the principal or his/her designated representative shall notify Human Resources of the need to post the club sponsor position.
- Human Resources will use “club sponsor job description” to assist in filling this position.
- Upon assignment of a club sponsor, the principal or his/her designated representative shall send the business office a copy of the approved club application, establish club accounts with the business office and supervise sponsor training regarding the business office’s fundraising procedures.
Required Elements of the Interscholastic Club Program
The club sponsor as described in the TCAPS club sponsor job description is the official representative of the school principal and responsible to him/her or to the principal’s designated representative. The TCAPS club sponsor job description provides for:
- Assisting school officials in scheduling events and transportation.
- Assisting in the scheduling of school and non-school facilities.
- Fulfilling all insurance requirements.
- The requirement that all fundraising activities have principal approval prior to their commencement.