Parents & Students

Below you will find information, resources and links to the most commonly asked for information.

TCAPS K-12 Courses

TCAPS offers both in-person and 100% virtual learning options for students in grades K-12. Below you'll find resources to assist with your class selections:

TCAPS K-12 Course Catalog

Please Keep Us Updated!

Please be sure to inform the office as soon as possible of any changes to your home address or home, cell, or work phone numbers. Should an emergency or illness arise with your student, it is important that we have current phone numbers available so that we can reach you in a timely manner. Thank you for your assistance.

Attendance Hotline: 231.933.7900 (Option 1) or Email Us

Regular school attendance is important and a major factor in the academic success of each student.  Active participation and interaction by students in the classroom is an essential part of the instructional process and is only experienced through regular attendance. The primary responsibility for ensuring regular school attendance rests with the parent(s)/guardian(s) and the student. Through the cooperative efforts of parent(s)/guardian(s), it is hoped each student will develop attendance habits and attitudes which will be helpful to his/her present and future endeavors.

All student absences and lateness (tardies) must be communicated with the school office. 

Please be sure to include the following information when communicating with the school office:

  • Student’s full name (with spelling)
  • Teacher's name
  • Applicable date and time
  • Your name and relationship to the student 
  • Reason for the student’s absence (If ill: report student's symptoms and diagnosis by doctor if applicable)
  • Length of time you expect the student to be absent or tardy
  • Number where you can be reached

Breakfast & Lunch Information

Find Out if You Qualify for Free/Discounted Meals

TCAPS is proud to offer healthy meals to our students every school day. Children need healthy meals to fuel their learning and your child(ren) may qualify for free or reduced meal benefits

Whether or not your child plans to participate in the free and/or reduced meals program, the information is vital for the district. It is used not only to determine meal prices for qualifying families, but it is also used as part of the application process for a number of grants and other opportunities TCAPS participates in. We are pleased to be able to offer qualifying families with free or discounted meal rates, so if you think your family might qualify, please External Linkapply today

If your busing needs change at any time, please contact your school office or call the transportation department at 231.933.1933 for more information.

Bus Passes

  • Please note that due to full loads on buses, bus passes are only allowed for emergency situations. We are unable to provide passes to go to a friend's home for sleepovers or parties.
  • The student handbook is very specific that all students assigned to a bus are expected to board that bus before and after school at their assigned bus stop.
  • Changes in this procedure are reserved for emergencies. Bus passes are issued for emergencies when the office has written permission from the parent/guardian.
  • Directions given to a child verbally in the morning or handwritten notes cannot be accepted by the bus driver.
  • If you need your child to ride his/her regular bus but to get off at a different stop, we still need a note so that a bus pass can be issued. (If the bus from which you are requesting special transportation is filled to capacity, the request cannot be honored.)
  • For afterschool parties and other events, we ask that children ride their regular bus home and transportation be provided by families.
  • Thank you in advance for understanding and abiding by this district bus pass policy. We will make every effort to accommodate emergency situations and ensure the safety of all students.

Please Plan Ahead

We realize that mornings are often a busy, hectic time but we need to ask parents to please make your after school plans with your children before they leave for school in the morning. Many of the messages called into the office are for the same students, day after day. Learning is interrupted every time we deliver a message. Please work with your family to make all after school arrangements before coming to school, whenever possible. We do understand there are occasional unexpected changes in schedules and emergencies that must be communicated with your child before dismissal. All phone calls requesting a last minute change in transportation (pickup, bus, walk) or destination (latchkey, home, sitter) must be received by the office before 3:30 p.m. We appreciate your cooperation!

Start of Day Schedule

  • Extended Day Child Care Open: 7:00 AM
  • School Building Opens: 8:45 AM
  • School Begins: 9:00  AM
  • Morning Announcements: 9:05 AM

Lunch Schedule

  • Lunch: 11:30 AM - 1:30 PM

Dismissal Schedule

  • Full Day Dismissal: 3:56 PM
  • Half Day Dismissal: 12:07 PM
  • Early Release Dismissal: 1:56 PM
  • Extended Day Child Care Closes: 5:30 PM

Student Drop Off & Pick Up

  • Just a reminder that students should not be dropped off at school prior to 8:45 AM.
  • We want to keep our children safe and staff supervision does not begin until 8:45 AM.
  • Buses will hold students on the bus until 8:45 AM. 
  • If students are having breakfast, they may tell an adult and walk into the cafeteria.
  • We do offer a before school child care program for students, which begins at 7:00 AM.
  • We appreciate your assistance in this matter.

Who Can/Cannot Pick Up Your Child From School
Parents, please make sure you list individuals on your child(ren)'s emergency card who can pick up your child(ren) from school. Do not assume that if you give a friend permission to pick up your child, that the school will allow it. Without a note, phone call, or name on an emergency card, we cannot release your child. Please respect this district policy.

Thank you for your cooperation, as we strive to provide our students with a safe school environment.

Student safety is our number one priority. Please take a moment to review the carline safety reminders below to help us ensure the safety of our students, staff and families. Thank you.

The parking lot in front of the school is designated for parent parking and student drop off/pick up in the car line loop. This circle is a one way driveway.  Please pull all the way forward to the “X” when dropping off/picking up in the carline (see PDF Documentmap). The south parking lot is for staff parking and buses only.

Student Drop Off / Pick Up Procedures

Parents may use the loop around the front parking lot for Car Line drop off and pick up of students. Always pull all the way forward in the Car Line (see PDF Documentmap). Moving all the way forward allows as many cars into the parking lot as possible and off of Fisher Road. Please do not park along the side of Fisher Road.

We have several staff dedicated to escorting our students to their classrooms (especially our new kindergarteners!). K-2nd grade students will be entering through the Black Wing (north) entrance on the playground end of the building. 3rd-5th grade students will be entering through the Red Wing (south) entrance by the main office. (see PDF Documentmap). 

Parents are always welcome to park in the parking lot and walk their children up to the school entrance. Do not drop students off in the parking lot. Students must be walked to the front of the school by parents if you are parked in the parking lot.

Student/Parent Crosswalk

There are two marked crosswalks connecting the parent parking lot to the sidewalk in front of the school. There will be an adult crossing guard posted at each crosswalk to stop traffic so parents/students can safely cross. Please cross at the marked crosswalks to avoid any further maneuvering of students/parents between moving vehicles before or after school. Drivers, please respect all pedestrians and stop as needed to allow them to cross safely.

Please remember to pull forward, thank you.

As you know, Westwoods Elementary serves over 450 children who all start school promptly at 9:00 AM and dismiss promptly at 3:56 PM. In addition, we have scores of parents who choose to pick up their children. This will inevitably lead to a "bottle neck" effect, especially during dismissal time. Parents choosing to pick up their child should expect the "bottle neck" effect, expect to wait, and make plans and preparations accordingly. Because we do not have the resources to overbuild a parent pick up parking lot, we ask parents to expect delays or to possibly consider having your students ride "the big yellow taxi" (the school bus) that is provided for their convenience.

Who Can/Cannot Pick Up Your Child From School

Parents, please make sure you list individuals on your child(ren)'s emergency card who can pick up your child(ren) from school. Do not assume that if you give a friend permission to pick up your child, that the school will allow it. Without a note, phone call, or name on an emergency card, we cannot release your child. Please respect this district policy.

TCAPS extended day child care programs are licensed by the State of Michigan. Extended day programs are available at TCAPS elementary schools for students in grades K – 5, with select schools offering extended hours for preschool-age students. The programs offer the opportunity for personal attention from an experienced staff and enrichment activities that develop social skills, teamwork and interpersonal relationships.

Before school hours begin at 7:00 a.m. and continue until the start of the school day. The after school hours begin when the school day ends and continues until 5:30 p.m. each day. The program starts with the first scheduled day of school and ends with the last scheduled day of school. This service is available to parents on a pre-arranged and pre-paid basis. Visit the External LinkTCAPS Extended Day Child Care website for registration information and contact information.

Online Registration & Payment Information

The online extended day registration process is completed through the External LinkPowerSchool (Parent) Public Portal. Before starting the registration process, you will need to have your child's unique PIN number which can be obtained from your child's school office. 

PowerSchool Public Portal Information

E-Funds Information

For additional registration information contact the Early Childhood office at 231.933.1759 or

How to Report Bullying

Traverse City Area Public Schools takes bullying very seriously and will investigate all reported incidents. Reports can be made by contacting your school office or by filling out the Google FormsTCAPS Bullying Preventions & Intervention Incident Reporting Form.  

All reported incidents reported will follow the PDF Documentbullying/cyberbullying investigative process.


Media Center Resources

External LinkTCAPS Elementary Library Media Website

Library Media Paraprofessional

Jennifer Maniaci
Angela Wiliford


Volunteers are always welcome in the library. Please call for more information. Thank you

The online extended day registration process is completed through the External LinkPowerSchool (Parent) Public Portal. Before starting the registration process, you will need to have your child's unique PIN number which can be obtained from your child's school office. 

PowerSchool Public Portal Information

E-Funds Information

For additional registration information contact the Early Childhood office at 231.933.1759 or

Westwoods Elementary School PTO invites all parents to get involved in school activities and events and/or considering becoming a member of the PTO board. The PTO works throughout the year to bring quality enrichment opportunities to our students as well as raise funds for student programming. PTO meetings are held once a month and are open to the public. All Westwoods families are encouraged to attend. Please join us to learn more.

  • Visit our PTO webpage for meeting dates, times and board contact information.
  • Visit our External LinkPTO Facebook for event photos, updates and more.

PowerSchool Public Portal can be accessed by both students and parents to view class schedules,  keep track of grades and attendance, set up email notifications, and receive comments from teachers. 

There are multiple ways you can find out if school is closed due to inclement weather:

  • All local radio and televisions stations announce school closings on a regular basis
  • Call the bus hotline - 231.933.1955
  • Visit the External Linkdistrict website or the school website. A pop up will come on the screen if there is a closing alert (pop up blocker must be turned off)
  • Follow the district on External LinkFacebook and/or External LinkTwitter

Want more information? View PDF DocumentSnow Day FAQs

Interpreter/Translation Services

Interpreting during any meeting or translation of any documents will be provided for any parent who requests interpreting or translating. The process to request these services is:

  • Contact your school and make a request. The school will then make the request through the Human Resources Department, and an interpreter will be provided.
  • A school may use the Tele-Interpreter Service if no interpreter is available, or if interpreter/translation services are an immediate need.


Throughout the school year, Westwoods Elementary School looks for parent volunteers to help in various positions. If you are interested in volunteering, please contact the main office, speak with your child's teacher or visit the External LinkPTO webpage for volunteer opportunities. All volunteers will need to complete the district's online volunteer application and a background check before volunteering at the school. To complete the application and for more information on volunteering, please visit the External Linkdistrict's volunteer page. Thank you for your support!