Welcome to Courtade Elementary School
Home of the Cougars
Courtade Elementary School is one of 11 elementary schools in the Traverse City Area Public Schools (TCAPS) district. Courtade has a strong tradition of excellence in education where every child counts and is encouraged to learn to his/her fullest potential. The staff at Courtade focuses on strong student achievement for all children by providing a warm, nurturing environment.
Collaborative work with families and the community ensures high standards, hands-on learning, and enrichment activities. Events such as Gallery Night, an art-focused evening where parents turn Courtade Elementary School into a gallery of student art, encourages parents to be engaged with their child’s school.
Courtade always has an open door for families.
Our Mission
TCAPS educates, inspires, and supports all learners to maximize individual excellence and success.
Points of Pride
- Courtade was named a National Title I Distinguished School, in recognition of its efforts in increasing the achievement of all students. This means Courtade students are demonstrating significant improvement and sustaining their growth over a period of time and we are closing the gap between our highest performing students and our lowest performing students.