LL News: 3.30.25 Welcome Back, Movie Night & Bowling
WELCOME BACK: we are excited to get spring underway!
School Yearbooks: Yearbooks are available to purchase online and the deadline to order is April 21, 2025. To order, visit the following website: www.ybpay.com. You will need the Long Lake yearbook ID Code which is 15170525. The cost is $12 per yearbook. We do have funds available to help families in need. If your family would benefit from a scholarship for a yearbook, please complete this form or contact the school office to let us know.
Save the Date Whole School Field Trip- May 14th: We are excited to partner with the Sleeping Bear National Lakeshore this year to participate in our All School Field Trip on May 14th.
They are organizing and planning specific field lessons to match grade level content standards. We will be looking for parent chaperones for the date. Please see the permission slip and chaperone information here (copies going home in backpacks as well) If interested in joining the trip, please read the Volunteer Standards of Conduct, complete the online volunteer form here and return the interest form to your child’s teacher.
FAMILY MOVIE NIGHT APRIL 4TH: Join us April 4th at 6:30 PM for our featured film: The Wild Robot. Popcorn and candy included! Bring your blankets and water bottles. This movie is rated PG.
BROS & BOWLING: Coming up on April 5th, Long Lake BOYS and their MOMS (or other adult family member) are invited to a morning of fun at Incredible Mo's for our annual Bros & Bowling event! The cost is $30 per adult/student combo and $15 for each additional sibling. This includes bowling, shoes, pizza & pop, and a $5 arcade card. Look for the sign-up form coming home with your student this week. Deadline is April 2nd.
SPRING FLING SILENT AUCTION ITEMS: We are looking for donations for our thrilling Silent Auction held at the end-of-year Spring Fling event in May. If you, your business, or someone you know may want to donate a gift certificate or auction item, please fill out the form and we will reach out to you to gather the item. Thank you for your consideration!. https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdrxNMLh4xJ1zIRH8seQ-gSTFU4fPjankQbGt1NTUSrOCS8qA/viewform?usp=header
TWO MORE MONTHS OF POPCORN POPPING! Popcorn poppers are still needed for the last two months! Bring your friends and meet some new people for a fun night out for the kids. Please consider helping out:
The Traverse City Area Public Schools (TCAPS) Board of Education will host its next monthly “office hours” at the Traverse Area District Library (TADL) in the McGuire Room, 610 Woodmere Avenue, on Thursday, April 24, 2025, from 6:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. TCAPS Board office hours provide community members with the opportunity to talk to a school board trustee. This month, Trustee Moon Mohr is scheduled to attend.
March 31 Students return
April 4 PTO Movie Night
April 5 PTO Bros & Bowling Event
April 9 Student Run Credit Union
April 9 Early Release Day Students Long Lake dismisses at 2:02 PM
April 10 PTO Meeting in the Library at 6:30 PM Join virtually: https://meet.google.com/fic-ofrz-jmu
April 18 Half Day of School for Students; Long Lake dismisses at 12:12 p.m.
April 28 Kindergarten Music Informances during regularly scheduled music times; Parents welcome to join!
April 30 Junior Kindergarten Music Informance at 10:25 in the music room
May 5 Early Release Day Students Long Lake dismisses at 2:02 PM
May 16 PTO Sponsored Spring Fling
May 21 Student Run Credit Union
May 26 Memorial Day No School
Stay Connected:
WEBSITE: http://www.tcaps.net/schools/elementary-schools/longlake/
FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/LongLakeElementarySchoolTCAPS
PTO FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/Long-Lake-Elementary-PTO-305155839569856/
SNOW DAY NOTIFICATION: If you don’t receive text notifications for Snow Days and would like to, text the word “Yes” to 79041. The cell phone number must be on file as the primary number with the school.