March 13, 2025

LL News: 3.16.25 Spring Break & All School Field Trip Save the Date

We have 4 more school days until Spring Break!   Spring Break begins this Friday, March 21st and runs until Sunday March 30th.  We return to school on Monday March 31st.  

All SCHOOL FIELD TRIP SAVE THE DATE: We are in the middle of planning our spring field trip for the whole school!  On May 14th, Long Lake Elementary will be traveling to Sleeping Bear National Lakeshore to participate in several field lessons. We will be looking for parent chaperones for this trip. Permission slips will be coming home after Spring Break!   

  • Chaperones: if you would like to join us for this trip, volunteers are asked to review the Volunteer page on the district's website and read the Volunteer Standards of Conduct.
  • Chaperones willneed to complete the online volunteer application form. If you’ve done this in the past, they expire every two years. Once the form is completed, parents can expect to hear from TCAPS Human Resources Department within 1-2 business days. Questions about the volunteer approval process can be directed to Luke VanHouten at 231-933-1710 or


SPRING FLING SILENT AUCTION ITEMS: The Spring Fling event is held in May and this is the PTO's annual end of school celebration event. The event includes a thrilling silent auction that includes wonderful items from various local businesses and teachers from our school. We are starting the process of gathering silent auction items. So if you, your business, or someone you know may want to donate a gift certificate or auction item, please fill out the form and we will reach out to you to gather the item. Thank you for considering a donation.

POPCORN POPPER VOLUNTEERS: Popcorn poppers are still needed for April and May. Bring your friends and meet some new people for a fun night out for the kids.  Please consider helping out.


DISTRICT SURVEY: TCAPS parents & guardians are asked to participate in a survey to share their views on TCAPS and how the district might improve in areas of academic opportunities, student achievement, community engagement, responsible financial stewardship, and safety and security. This survey will remain open until 9:00 a.m. on March 18, 2025.

Northwest Education Services Autism Awareness Seminar for Families & Caregivers click here to learn more about this great community opportunity on Wednesday, April 23 at 4:30 p.m. at the Interlochen Public Library.


March 21 No School

March 24-28 Spring Break

March 31 Students return

April 3 Panther Parade (Families of students participating have been notified via email)

April 4 PTO Movie Night

April 5 PTO Bros & Bowling Event

April 9 Student Run Credit Union

April 9 Early Release Day Students Long Lake dismisses at 2:02 PM

Stay Connected:




SNOW DAY NOTIFICATION: If you don’t receive text notifications for Snow Days and would like to, text the word “Yes” to 79041. The cell phone number must be on file as the primary number with the school.