February 28, 2025

LL News: 3.2.25 Early Release and Conference Night

EARLY RELEASE: This Tuesday, March 4th is an Early Release Day for TCAPS.  Long Lake Elementary dismisses at 2:02 p.m. 

CONFERENCE SIGN UP: WINTER PARENT TEACHER CONFERENCES: Our Winter 2025 Parent Teacher Conferences start this week on March 4th (Mostly Virtual), and next week on March 11th (In Person) and 13th  (Virtual or In Person). You can sign up for conference times here. Parents can request any format (virtual or in person) on any of the evenings. You can find all teacher google meet links here. If you experience problems signing up, feel free to contact our office at 231-933-7800 or your child's teacher.

TEACHER CONFERENCE MEAL SIGN-UP: Our PTO helps support our teachers and staff during parent-teacher conferences by providing them dinner on conference nights.  See the link below to sign-up. https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C0F44ACAC29A0FBCF8-parent

SPECIAL PROJECT:  We’ve had four families respond.  We’re looking for you too!  Please click the link below and describe Long Lake Elementary using a couple sentences. What makes our school special? Thanks in advance for sharing HERE!

SCREENAGERS MOVIE: If you’ve wondered when the right time is for your child to have their own phone, this is the movie for you!  It give guidance and tips around technology for our elementary students. Join us for the FREE viewing, Screenagers Elementary Edition on March 3 at the Central High School Auditorium. SCREENAGERS THE MOVIE will provide students, caregivers, and educators with practical tools to manage our digital environment. Doors open at 5:00! Please a RSVP below: 

 RSVP- Screenagers Elementary- FREE EVENT

A group of children looking at their phonesDescription automatically generated


NEEDED POPCORN POPPER VOLUNTEERS THIS WEEK: Popcorn poppers are still needed for this week. Bring your friends and meet some new people for a fun night out for the kids.  Please consider helping out. https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C0F44ACAC29A0FBCF8-popcorn

PTO EVENT (PRINCESS DANCE): Join us for "An Enchanted Evening" on Saturday, March 8th from 6:30 p.m.-8:30 p.m. in the Long Lake Elementary gym. Cost will be $20 for a couple and $25 for a family. See link below for sign-up opportunities!



A poster for a eventAI-generated content may be incorrect.


DISTRICT SURVEY: TCAPS parents & guardians are asked to participate in a survey to share their views on TCAPS and how the district might improve in areas of academic opportunities, student achievement, community engagement, responsible financial stewardship, and safety and security. This survey will remain open until 9:00 a.m. on March 18, 2025.

STATE OF THE DISTRICT: If you missed it, Dr. VanWagoner shares progress to the District Strategic

Plan and more information about Reunification plans in an emergency. Check out the video here: 2025 State of the District.

TCAPS BOARD OF EDUCATION MONTHLY OFFICE HOURS: The Traverse City Area Public Schools (TCAPS) Board of Education will host its next monthly “office hours” in person on Thursday, March 13, 2025  from 6:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. This will be a virtual meeting and you can join using this link:  (Google Meet)- meet.google.com/ten-gqes-pow  or call 1.440.462.2802; PIN 243 200474#  TCAPS Board office hours provide community members with the opportunity to talk to a school board trustee. This month, Trustee Ballenger is scheduled to attend. 

A person smiling at cameraAI-generated content may be incorrect.

SUPERINTENDENT MONTHLY OFFICE HOURS: Dr. John VanWagoner's next monthly open office hours for community members will be held virtually on March 11, 2025 at 5:00 pm. Community members may access the virtual meeting here or by calling +1 475-549-0438 PIN: 961 104 679#. 

A person in a suit and tieAI-generated content may be incorrect.


March 3- TCAPS Screenagers Movie Free at Central High School

March 4, 11, 13- Parent Teacher Conferences 

March 4 Early Release Day Students Long Lake dismisses at 2:02 PM 

March 7- PTO Popcorn Friday

March 8- PTO Princess Dance 

March 11- 9:30 a.m. 2nd Grade Music Program + Brown’s class

March 11   10:30 a.m. 3rd Grade Music Program

March 12    9:30 a.m. 4th  Grade Music Program

March 12    10:30 a.m. 5th  Grade Music Program

March 13 PTO Meeting in the Library at 6:30 PM Join virtually: https://meet.google.com/fic-ofrz-jmu 

March 21 No School

March 24-28 Spring Break

March 31 Students return

April 4 PTO Movie Night

April 5 PTO Bros & Bowling Event

April 9 Early Release Day Students Long Lake dismisses at 2:02 PM

Stay Connected:

WEBSITE:   http://www.tcaps.net/schools/elementary-schools/longlake/ 

FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/LongLakeElementarySchoolTCAPS      

PTO FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/Long-Lake-Elementary-PTO-305155839569856/  

SNOW DAY NOTIFICATION: If you don’t receive text notifications for Snow Days and would like to, text the word “Yes” to 79041. The cell phone number must be on file as the primary number with the school.