Daily Announcements - February 12
The Students Demand Action Club is showing the movie 'The Hate U Give' at the State Theater tomorrow, Feb. 13. The movie starts at 6:30; there will be food and students get in free!
Peer-2-Peer will be selling Valentine Candygrams TODAY during both lunches. Just $1 makes sure you have a gift to send a friend or special someone on Valentine's Day!
Time to sign up for the Girl's Lacrosse team. Traverse City Central, Traverse City West, and Elk Rapids High Schools are sponsoring a Girls' Lacrosse team for girls in grades 9-12. No experience is required; sign up now through March 9th. Contact Head Coach Rich Axtell at axtellri@tcaps.net for more information.
Need some extra NHS hours or a way to give back to the community? On March 17, Central High School will be hosting a blood drive! Your donation saves 3 lives and NHS members can receive 1 service hour. To sign up, access the link in your morning email. We hope to see you there! Sign Up Here
Looking for a sport that’s easy to learn, fun to play, and just the right amount of competition? Then the TCC Pickleball Club is for you! We meet twice a month in Ms. Howard’s room, C128, and play every Sunday from 4:00-5:00pm at Pickle-U across from the Resort in Williamsburg. Whether you’re a seasoned pro or have never touched a paddle, you’re more than welcome to join! No long practices, no pressure—just good games, good people, and maybe a few bragging rights. We even have spare paddles so there’s no reason not to give it a try! See Ms. Howard in C128 for more information.
Do you have any FAFSA questions? Nick Messing from Michigan Student Aid will be here Feb. 19th from 8:15 -10:15am to meet with students in the Cafeteria. Sign up in the LMC for a ten-minute appointment; attendance will be excused. Seniors and their Parents are invited to attend our FAFSA Workshop that evening from 5:30-7:30pm in the Cafe.
February is Black History Month. The Cultural Diversity Club will share information about prominent Black people throughout the month. Today, we are featuring Maya Angelou. Angelou was a poet, memoirist, and activist best known for her memoir "I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings." In 2011, she was awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom.
Lunch Today: Walking Taco, Chicken Walking Taco, Chicken Patty Sandwich, or Hot & Spicy Chicken Sandwich
If you see the following students in your class or in the hallway, please wish them a Happy Birthday: Nathan Russell, Anika Stahl, Simone Trerice, Peyton Waller, and Kaden Bowman.