January 26, 2025

LL News: 1.26.25 Vision and Hearing Screenings This Week

VISION & HEARING SCREENINGS: The Grand Traverse County Health Department will again be providing free screening services for students.  Screenings for all students will take place on campus the week of January 27th through 31st.  The MDHHS routine screening schedule is outlined below.  All students will be screened unless otherwise indicated.  Parents/guardians will be notified of any results which meet MDHHS referral criteria.  Families wishing to decline their child's participation are asked to complete a screening waiver, available from the school office.

Preschool, GSRP - vision and hearing

Kindergarten - hearing

1st Grade - vision

2nd Grade - hearing

3rd Grade - vision

4th Grade - hearing

5th Grade - vision

INCOMING KINDERGARTEN & JUNIOR KINDERGARTEN FAMILIES: It is time to start thinking about kindergarten options for the 2025-26 school year! If you are considering having your child attend kindergarten or junior kindergarten at Long Lake next school year, please fill out this form: LL Kindergarten/Jr.K Interest List. Filling out this form does not enroll your child; but it does put you on our mailing list so that you will receive any information we send regarding kindergarten. If you have any questions, please call our office at 231-933-7800  SAVE THE DATE: February 10th will be holding an Incoming Parent Information Night on February 10th, 2024  from 5:30-6:30 PM in the school library. We hope you can join us!

SCHOOL/PTO PARTNERSHIP ON FEBRUARY 18 ESCAPE ROOM FEBRUARY 18:  Once again, we have a Family Fun Night Planned with an Escape Room style night for all Long Lake families!  Teachers have created a Rain Forest Theme Escape Room for all ages! Please save the date for February 18th from 6:15-7:30 PM.   Families will work together to solve puzzles in classrooms to BREAK OUT and reveal a secret code.  Once you know the code, families can take it to the cafeteria to unlock the prize! We’ll have snacks, prizes and large raffle items!   A poster for a family literacy nightDescription automatically generated

FAMILY RESOURCE CORNER- STRENGTHENING BRAIN CONNECTIONS: Crossing the midline is a crucial but often overlooked skill in child development. The "midline" refers to an invisible line that divides the body into left and right halves. To cross the midline, a child uses one hand, foot, or eye to reach the opposite side of their body. This action helps strengthen the connections between the brain's left and right hemispheres.   Doing this can improve communication, vocabulary, and language concepts in addition to coordination and balance. As this left and right hemisphere connections become stronger, children often experience better physical and cognitive performance.

To practice crossing the Midline, try these simple activities:

  • Cross crawls: Have your child touch their opposite elbow to knee. 
  • Marching Tap: While marching, tap the opposite knee.
  • Figure 8s: Ask your child to trace a figure 8 in the air or on a large sheet of paper. 
  • J Leg Cross Test: Have your child cross their right knee over their left leg and touch their right hand to their right heel and their left hand to their right toe. 
  • Numbered Cards: Have different cards taped to the wall within your child’s field of vision and reach. Tell the child to reach for the card you say and ask them to switch hands between each card (i.e. “reach for the 4”, “reach for the 2”, etc). Try and purposefully choose cards that make the child cross their midline

The good news is that engaging in activities that encourage crossing the midline can boost those brain connections and enhance your child’s development. If your child struggles with midline crossing, don’t worry! Working on it can lead to noticeable improvements in many areas of development.  If you want to learn more here’s a great resource article.


DATE CHANGE (BROS AND BOWLING): The original February Bros and Bowling event has been changed to Saturday, April 5th from 10 a.m. to noon at Incredible Mo's. Long Lake Elementary boys are able to bring their mother or significant parent figure to go bowling. A RSVP flyer will be going home closer to the event to get a final head count. 

POPCORN POPPERS: Popcorn poppers are still needed for this year. Bring your friends and meet some new people for a fun night out for the kids.  Please consider helping out. https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C0F44ACAC29A0FBCF8-popcorn

BOARD POSITIONS: The PTO Board will have board positions for this coming school year available. The positions will include President, Vice-President and Treasurer. If you are interested in any position or would like more information about the PTO Board, please email longlakepto1@gmail.com. All candidates will be considered and will be voted on at a future PTO meeting.

Warm Regards,

Kate Burwinkel


February 3- Early Release Day Students Long Lake dismisses at 2:02 PM

February 4, 6, 7 CoGAT Testing (Optional for 3rd graders)

February 7- Report Cards Come Home

February 12- Count Day

February 13 PTO Meeting in the Library at 6:30 PM Join virtually: https://meet.google.com/fic-ofrz-jmu 

February 18- Parent Fun Night- Escape Room Fun!

February 21- PTO Popcorn Friday

March 4, 11, 14- Parent Teacher Conferences 

March 4 Early Release Day Students Long Lake dismisses at 2:02 PM 

March 7- PTO Popcorn Friday

March 8- PTO Princess Dance 

March 11- 9:30 a.m. 2nd Grade Music Program + Brown’s class

March 11   10:30 a.m. 3rd Grade Music Program

March 12    9:30 a.m. 4th  Grade Music Program

March 12    10:30 a.m. 5th  Grade Music Program

March 13 PTO Meeting in the Library at 6:30 PM Join virtually: https://meet.google.com/fic-ofrz-jmu 

Stay Connected:

WEBSITE:   http://www.tcaps.net/schools/elementary-schools/longlake/ 

FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/LongLakeElementarySchoolTCAPS      

PTO FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/Long-Lake-Elementary-PTO-305155839569856/  

SNOW DAY NOTIFICATION: If you don’t receive text notifications for Snow Days and would like to, text the word “Yes” to 79041. The cell phone number must be on file as the primary number with the school.