Daily Announcements - Dec. 4
Reminder: Today is an Early Release Day! Classes end at 12:22 with an option to stay for lunch; buses leave promptly at 1:02!
The Junior EDP field trips will happen this month! This is a graduation requirement for all non-CTC juniors and will provide students an opportunity to meet with employers in an industry they have expressed interest in. Juniors, please see the schedule on the Oleson Office door and reach out to Mrs. Johnson if you have any questions. On the day of your tour, you will meet in the auditorium at 9:15 for attendance and will then hop on a TCAPS bus with your peers and a chaperone to head out for your site visit. Most trips conclude around noon when your bus will drop you back off at Central High School.
There will be a Fellowship of Christian Athletes meeting on Thursday morning at 7:20 a.m. in Coach Schugars' room, C130. All students are welcome to attend.
Lunch Today: Pasta with Meat Sauce, Pepperoni Pizza Bosco Sticks, Cheese Bosco Sticks or Pepperoni Calzone
If you see the following students in your class or in the hallway, please wish them a Happy Birthday: Brooklyn Connelly, Josi Maki, Brooklyn Stiebe, Jameson Duperron and Lachlan Czerwonka.