LL News: 9.22.24 Picture Day Tomorrow
Dear Long Lake Families,
This is Mrs. Burwinkel with your wee kly update.
Picture Day: Life Touch will be on campus on Monday, September 23, 2024 for fall pictures. All students will have their picture taken. There are two ways to order photos: Online at mylifetouch.com using the picture day ID number for Long Lake- EVTJPXXQV. Orders can also be placed by returning the envelope with payment prior to September 23rd.
LONG LAKE OLYMPIC FUNDRAISER: The Long Lake Olympics fundraiser event is the biggest fundraising event of the year for the PTO. The students get to celebrate with the annual Long Lake Olympics field day on October 4, 2024. If the goal of $20,000 is met, this will be the only fundraiser of the school year! The money from this fundraiser provides reading programs, supplies for teachers and students, monthly family friendly events, supplies and learning materials for each classroom and overall teacher appreciation. In addition, the money helps pay for an all-school field trip, assist in purchasing supplies for the happy feet program, as well as provide exciting school community events throughout the school year. See information below for more details.
Event Webpage:
Registration Webpage:
Fun Incentive Prizes:
We hope families are able to join us on our Olympic Day October 4th! We will start with an Opening Ceremony at 9:20 AM followed by scheduled Olympic Events for each class. The schedule for each class time can be found here.
PTO Board Treasurer Position: The PTO Board will have a board opening for the Treasurer position for the next school year! If you would like to get involved with the PTO and have a desire to be part of a great volunteer group, please email your interest and any questions to longlakepto1@gmail.com. All candidates will be considered and will be voted on at a future PTO meeting.
HAPPY FEET: Thank you to our volunteers who support our Happy Feet program! Please consider checking out the volunteer opportunities during lunch recess times from 11:30 a.m.-12:50 p.m. to punch cards and distribute foot tokens. You can sign up here: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C0F4DAEAB2CA4F4C61-51058851-happy
TCAPS Board of Education Monthly Office Hours: The Traverse City Area Public Schools (TCAPS) Board of Education will host its next monthly “office hours” in person on Thursday, September 26, 2024, from 6:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. at Horizon Books, 243 E. Front Street, Traverse City, MI 49684. The meeting will be located on the mezzanine level (second floor) of the bookstore. TCAPS Board office hours provide community members with the opportunity to talk to a school board trustee. This month, Trustee Raymond is scheduled to attend.
Go Panthers!
Warm Regards,
Kate Burwinkel
Upcoming Dates:
September 23- Picture Day
September 24-Bus Evacuation Drill
October 2- Count Day
October 3- Early Release Day Long Lake dismisses at 2:02 PM
October 4- PTO Sponsored Olympics Day!
October 14- Half Day for Students in TCAPS; Long Lake Dismisses at 12:12 p.m.
October 17- PTO Meeting in the Library at 6:30 PM Join virtually: https://meet.google.com/fic-ofrz-jmu
October 21- PTO Sponsored Panther Pumpkin Project
October 25- PTO Sponsored Monster Mash Dance
November 1- No School Teacher Work Day
Stay Connected:
WEBSITE: http://www.tcaps.net/schools/elementary-schools/longlake/
FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/LongLakeElementarySchoolTCAPS
PTO FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/Long-Lake-Elementary-PTO-305155839569856/