September 6, 2024

LL News: 9.8.24 Hello September & PTO Meeting

Dear Long Lake Families,

This is Mrs. Burwinkel with your weekly update.

Thank you for a great first week of school!  I loved seeing all the smiling faces and students building connections with their class community!  We really appreciate your caution and attention to procedures during drop off and dismissal.  Each day is getting a little smoother!  I know it’s tempting to park in grass areas especially at the end of our driveway, however this is a safety issue and we can’t have families walking along roadways.   What we’re seeing is many families trying to arrive 15 minutes before dismissal.  Which backs everything up because Preschool can’t get through and others haven’t dismissed yet.  However, if you pull into the lot at 4:02, the flow is much better and you can often find a spot to park. This will continue to take time.  Thanks for helping us keep all students safe! 

PTO Meeting this week!  Join us for our first PTO Meeting of the year this Thursday, September 12 at 6:30 p.m. in the library.  You can join us in person or join virtually at: Being a part of PTO is a wonderful way to get involved in your child’s school.  Our PTO organizes community events, provides fundraising for us to enjoy the extras at our school, and celebrates our school family.   We’d love to have your voice and ideas for the year!   

SPIRIT SHIRT DESIGN: If your child is interested in designing this year’s spirit shirt, please submit drawings to our school office by this Friday, September 13th. 

CONSTITUTION DAY: Wear Red, White and Blue to school on September 17th (Tuesday) in observation of the ratification of the US Constitution.  We will be participating in other fun activities throughout the day!  

Picture Day: Life Touch will be on campus on Monday, September 23, 2024 for fall pictures. All students will have their picture taken that day.  If you would like to order school pictures, there are two ways to order. Orders can be placed online at using the picture day ID number for Long Lake which is EVTJPXXQV. Orders can also be placed by returning the picture day envelope with payment prior to September 23rd. Picture day envelopes will be coming home next week.

PHOTO PREFERENCE: Throughout the year we post photos celebrating students on our school Facebook page!  If you haven’t checked it out yet, you can find it here:  If you are not interested in your child being sponsored in any of the photos on our Facebook page, please communicate your preference via email ( or in writing to our school office. We look forward to sharing our learning with our families!   

HAPPY FEET: Back by popular demand, we will again be able to offer Happy Feet to our students on Tuesday and Thursdays.  Happy Feet is optional for our kids. For each mile students run, they receive a foot token to collect and add to a necklace.  Students proudly wear their necklaces around campus throughout the year!  This is made possible by parent volunteers.  Megan Piedmont, parent, coordinates this amazing opportunity! She is looking for parents who are willing to mark running cards and distribute foot tokens during our lunch recesses which run from 11:30 a.m.-12:50 p.m.   You can sign up here:       


PTO BOARD TREASURER OPENING: The PTO Board will have a board opening for the Treasurer position for the next school year! If you would like to get involved with the PTO and have a desire to be part of a great volunteer group, please email your interest and any questions to All candidates will be considered and will be voted on at a future PTO meeting. 

LONG LAKE SPIRIT WEAR: Long Lake Elementary's spirit wear form will be going home with students. The form and information is here. Please send the form back into the school by the deadline of September 27th. 

POPCORN POPPERS: PTO will be providing popcorn again this year. Bring your friends and meet some new people for a fun night out for the kids. Volunteer positions for this include a pro-popper (someone that knows how to use the popcorn machine) and additional volunteers to help bag the popcorn.  Please consider helping out.

POPCORN SPONSORS:  Please consider being a popcorn sponsor this year for popcorn Fridays. School-wide popcorn Fridays starting in September. As a $100 donor, your business logo will be posted in the front window of the principal's office, viewable to all who enter the school or use the car line.  If you are interested, please complete the form. Deadline is September 30th.


TCAPS Board of Education Monthly Office Hours:  The Traverse City Area Public Schools (TCAPS) Board of Education will host its next monthly “office hours” in person on Thursday, September 26, 2024, from 6:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. at Horizon Books, 243 E. Front Street, Traverse City, MI 49684.  The meeting will be located on the mezzanine level (second floor) of the bookstore. TCAPS Board office hours provide community members with the opportunity to talk to a school board trustee. This month, Trustee Raymond is scheduled to attend. 

Go Panthers!   

Warm Regards,

Kate Burwinkel

Upcoming Dates:

September 12- PTO Meeting in the Library at 6:30 PM Join virtually: 

September 24-Bus Evacuation Drill

October 2- Count Day

October 3- Early Release Day Long Lake dismisses at 2:02 PM

October 4- PTO Sponsored Olympics Day!

October 14- Half Day for Students in TCAPS; Long Lake Dismisses at 12:12 p.m.

October 17- PTO Meeting in the Library at 6:30 PM Join virtually: 

October 21- PTO Sponsored Panther Pumpkin Project

October 25- PTO Sponsored Monster Mash Dance

November 1- NO School Teacher Work Day

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