Daily Announcements - Sept. 6
Interested in learning more about the TCC Debate team? Attend our first meeting on Monday, September 9, right after school(lasting until around 4:00), in room C143 to learn about the team, see how you can add this great club to your resume, and ask any questions. All are welcome!
Picture Make Up/Retake Day is Monday, Sept 9th from 10-4pm in the New Gym.
There is no CTC today.
Congratulations to our JV & Varsity Soccer teams and our Freshman and JV football teams for winning their games last night! Way to go, Trojans!
The Quiz Bowl Team will have a short meeting after 6th period today in room C182. We will discuss the upcoming season and practice schedule. See Mr. Failor with questions.
If you see the following students in your class or in the hallway, please wish them a Happy Birthday: Aiden Allen, Owen Wilk and Franklin Andrews
Weekend Birthdays: Jacob Ligon, Anika Peterson, Kelly Comfort, Jack Hameline and Gabriel Link