School Social Work Services
The Role of a School Social Worker
Traverse City Area Public Schools’ certified school social workers are licensed and experienced master’s level professionals who hold an integral role within our buildings across the district.
Our social workers are also leaders within our schools’ Student Support Network (SSN). Our SSN aims to facilitate and enhance social, emotional, and academic development for all of our students.
This role is closely tied to the district’s efforts to help every learner reach their potential in an engaging, inspiring and challenging environment. We prioritize vulnerable students and families - working diligently to build and strengthen healthy and encouraging relationships by assessing needs in and out of school. Fostering healthy relationships, mental, physical and emotional well-being, and strong supportive community norms are priorities in order to increase social and emotional well-being for our students and families. Visualizing the valuable long term positive outcomes of “productive citizenship” and “healthy and innovative skills for life-long learning”, our impact goes far beyond the walls of our buildings.
Areas of Expertise/Services Available
- Connection to community resources
- Collaboration with service providers (both within and outside of school)
- Mental health concerns, needs and referrals
- Special Education supports in
collaboration with TBAISD
504 plan supports in collaboration with TCAPS school guidance counselors
- Supervision of and collaboration with behavior intervention
- Leadership of Team Addressing Student Concerns (TASC) planning and collaboration
- Advocacy
Social emotional learning in education
Positive school culture
- Behavior planning
- Teacher support, collaboration, and consultation
- Parenting support,
skills and education
Restorative justice / alternative approaches to discipline
- Crisis response and support
Personal safety education
- Abuse and neglect education
- Housing transition, relocation and
homeless support
- Tiered student supports:
- Individualized student supports
- Student group facilitation
- Classroom and grade level lessons and education
- School wide initiative leadership and support
- Culturally appropriate education planning and collaboration
- Collaborative support with
Migratory Student Education Services
Language support and TCAPS interpreter/language liaison collaboration
- Assessments of areas of need
- Self-identification support
- Other areas including, though not limited to:
- Addiction
- Anger
- Anxiety
- Bullying, difficulties with peers/friends
- Changing families/divorce, separation, remarriage
- Depression
- Grief and loss
- Life transitions
- School attendance
- Self-esteem
- Self-harm
- Separation/attachment Issues
- Social skills
- Trauma and Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACES)
- Connected state & federal mandates
MI Excel - Intense Student Support Network
Anti-bullying laws and regulations
Mandated CPS reporting
- Suicide, self-harm policy
- 504 education plans
- Truancy and attendance support
Michigan Model - personal safety
- School safety
- Response to intervention
- Best practice with research-based interventions including but not limited to: trauma informed schools, mindfulness, collaborative problem solving, restorative justice
Social Emotional Education
“Social and emotional learning (SEL) is the process through which children and adults understand and manage emotions, set and achieve positive goals, feel and show empathy for others, establish and maintain positive relationships, and make responsible decisions.” -CASEL (What is SEL?)
Social Emotional Learning Core Competencies
Responsive Connection & Framework for Supportive Relationships
Social Emotional Learning Rationale, Curricula, and Tips
Light the Path to a Healthy Kid
The Light the Path to a Healthy Kid series held in the fall of 2020 is now available online. It is a remarkable opportunity for our families to connect with nationally recognized experts in the areas of anxiety and other social/emotional needs. These free virtual workshop sessions led by local and national experts, made possible through a generous grant by NoVo Foundation & @ed1stconsulting, can be found at
TCAPS SEL Resource Library for Staff
School Social Workers/Behavioral Interventionists Contact Info
Students can be referred for support via email, phone call, note, or in person conversation by administrator, teacher, student (self), student (peer), or parent/guardian. When a referral is made, the receiving specialist consults with all involved parties to gather information and develop a plan in order to best respond to the assessed needs. Parent permission is required for ongoing individual and small group intervention work. School specialists adhere to the NASW Code of Ethics and diligently work to facilitate effective communication and collaboration between involved parties.
TCAPS Specialists and Interventionists
TCAPS Student Support Network
Katie Kubesh
Student Support Network (SSN) Coordinator
McKinney-Vento District Liason
Regional Grand Coordinator
Foster Care Liaison
Office: 231.933.1789Amber Ochoa
Student Support Network Specialist
ochoaa@tcaps.netHaley McDonald
Student Support Network Specialist
Central High School: M/W/F (a.m.)
West Senior High School: T/Th/F (p.m.)Sara Sovis
SSN Liaison
East Middle SchoolKathryn Baumann
8th Grade Counselor/SSN Liaison
West Middle School
TCAPS School Guidance Counselors
- Kathryn Baumann
8th Grade Counselor
West Middle School: M-F
- Paul Crowley
6th Grade Counselor
West Middle School: M-F
- Sara Dennis-Parker
At-Risk Counselor
Central High School
- Tom Ford
Counselor (Lag-Rom)
West Senior High School
- Melissa Kamm
Counselor (F-Laf)
West Senior High School
- Jennifer Lee
Counselor (A-E)
West Senior High School
- Blaise Lowe
504/Title IX Coordinator
West Senior High School
- Brandee Ludka
Counselor (I-P)
Central High School
- Michelle Morrison
Counselor (Q-Z)
At-Risk Coordinator
Central High School
- Tom Passinault
Counselor (A-G)/504/Title IX Coordinator
Central High School
- Marci Perthes
8th Grade Counselor
West Middle School: M-F
- Lauran Pinto
Counselor (Ron-Z)
West Senior High School
- Brenda Schwind
Omega House Counselor
East Middle School: M-F
- Ashley VanLandschoot
7th Grade Counselor
East Middle School
Community Support
- Medical or safety emergency: 9-1-1
- 24 hour mental health crisis line: 1.833.295.0616 (Northern Lakes Community Mental Health-FAST)
- Crisis counselor text line (24/7, national service): text HOME to 741741
- National Suicide Prevention Hotline: 1.800.273.8255
- Submit tip of criminal activity (OK2SAY):
- National Domestic Violence Hotline (24/7, for survivors & victims): 1.800.799.7233, or text LOVEIS to 22522
- United Way (all general community resource inquiries): 2-1-1
- Michigan DHHS Coronavirus Hotline: 1.888.535.6136, 8 AM - 5 PM, 7 days/week
Update from National Association for the Education of Homeless Children and Youth (NAEHCY)
Substance Use/Substance Use Disorder recovery support
Food Resources
- Michigan Unemployment benefits (recent expansion of qualifiers due to COVID-19): 1.866.500.0017
- Spectrum/Charter (FREE internet service for two months for students grades K-college): 1.866.866.4959