Learning, Enrichment & Athletic Program
LEAP, also known as the Learning, Enrichment and Athletic Program, provides athletic, arts and enrichment opportunities for preschool through 12th grade students. It is the vision of LEAP to provide students with increased opportunities for engagement beyond the school day through educational and recreational activities to improve learning, health, and wellness. Programs goals include 1) ensuring access to available programming for each student committing to participate in athletic and/or recreational activities offered through LEAP, and 2) participants, coaches, parents, and spectators will demonstrate the highest degree of sportsmanship at all times.
Learn More About LEAP Programs
Families have the opportunity to sign up for various LEAP programs throughout the year as well as programs offered through our community partnerships. New offerings will be added as they become available, so be sure to check back often!
Click the program links on the right side of this page to learn more about current activities and to complete the online registration process. See "How to Sign Up/Register for Programs" below for information on creating an Eyleo account and instructions on how to register/pay for activities.
How to Sign Up/Register for Programs
Program & Registration Information
Attention parents: Online registration through Eleyo for current LEAP offerings is open. You can find the individual registration pages by clicking the offering in the right sidebar on this page (if viewing on a mobile phone, the offerings are listed in the gray subpages dropdown.)
The first time you visit the new online registration site you will need to create a new account.
Registration Information
- Payment is due at the time of registration.
- Register online by clicking on the LEAP offering to be taken to the registration page (MasterCard, Visa, Discover and ACH accepted for most programs).
- Payment with cash or check can be made in the LEAP office located at East Middle School, 1776 Three Mile Rd, Traverse City, MI, 49696. School year office hours: Monday - Friday, 8:30 AM - 4:30 PM. Please call the LEAP office at 231.933.7480 for more information.
- Registration deadlines are final. Late registrations may not be accepted after the posted registration close date.
- Reduced rates are available to those who qualify for the free/reduced meal program for select offerings. Please see individual offerings for prices and availability.
LEAP Athletic Offerings by Season
- Basketball, Girls Gr. 2-3
- Basketball, Girls Gr. 4-5
- Cross Country, Co-ed, Gr. 3-5
- Flag Football, Gr. 2-5
Middle School
- Basketball, Boys, Gr. 6-8
- Cross Country, Co-ed, Gr. 6-8
- Football, Gr. 7-8
- Sideline Cheer, Gr. 6-8
- Tennis, Boys, Gr. 6-8
- Volleyball, Girls, Gr. 6-8
- Basketball, Boys, Gr. 4-5
- Volleyball, Co-ed, Gr. 4-5
- Wrestling, Gr. K-5
Middle School
- Basketball, Girls, Gr. 6-8
- Wrestling, Gr. 6-8
- Basketball, Boys, Gr. 2-3
- Tennis, Gr. 2-5
- Track & Field, Co-ed, Gr. 4-5
Middle School
- Softball, Girls, Gr. 6-8
- Tennis, Girls, Gr. 6-8
- Track & Field, Gr. 6-8
LEAP Participant Expectations
Secondary Handbook: Middle School Athletics & Activities
All LEAP participants are asked to:
- Attend all scheduled practices and competitions
- Give their best effort at all times
- Conduct themselves in a sportsmanlike fashion at all times
- Treat teammates with respect
- Have fun
*Any behavior which is contrary to the LEAP vision, mission, and/or program goals could result in an individual (student, parent, and/or coach) or team being denied further access to program offerings. The Student Code of Conduct found in the student handbook will be enforced for all LEAP activities.
View the middle school athletics and activities section of the secondary handbook.
Transportation Variance Form
Sports Physical Requirement (Grades 6-8)
2024-2025 Sports Physical Requirement
Grades 6-8
If you have a student in/entering middle school that wishes to participate in athletics, they will need three things before they are allowed to participate for the 2024-25 school year.
1. Sports Physical: Middle School Athletes must have an updated physical on file each school year. Sports physicals must be dated April 15th, 2024 or later, & can be used for the entire 2024-25 school year. Your athlete may not attend practices or games until a physical is on file. Physicals can be uploaded to Final Forms or emailed to: lawrencebo@tcaps.net
Need a new physical? Download and print the TCAPS physical form here and then call your family physician or the TCAPS Student Health Center at (231-642-5291) to schedule a physical for your child.
2. Final Forms: Create an account in Final Forms for the 2024-2025 school year, or update your current account. Visit https://traversecity-mi.finalforms.com/ and be sure to select all of the sports you are interested in joining next school year to ensure you are receiving all of the communications from our staff.
*Please note: An account in Final Forms does not mean you are registered for a sport.
3. Registration & Payment: Current offerings can be found at www.tcaps.net/leap. Registration for most fall sports opens in July; additional information is shared as soon as it is available. Click on the offering and go through the registration process. Once completed, you will receive an email from the Eleyo registration system confirming your registration & payment.
LEAP Middle School Admission Prices
Admission prices for LEAP middle school basketball, football, volleyball and wrestling activities are as follows:
- General Admission - $3.00
- Children 5 & Under - Free
All-Access Athletics Passes
All-Access Athletics Passes are available for purchase and include admission to all LEAP and TCAPS athletic events. TCAPS all-access sports passes are not valid for MHSAA-sponsored events. Prices are $100 adults, $100 students, and $50 for senior citizens.
Senior passes can be purchased from both high school athletic offices.
Electronic adult, student, and senior all-access athletic passes are available for purchase through GoFan.
Please note: Admission prices for high school events differ from middle school.
Interested in Coaching?
LEAP offers excellent opportunities for parents and community members to volunteer as a coach for its multiple sports programs. Most positions are non-paid, volunteer positions, however, some middle school coaching positions do offer a small stipend.
How to Apply
- Please call the LEAP office at 231.933.7480 to express your interest in a coaching position.
- In addition to calling the LEAP office, for all volunteer positions, please complete the TCAPS volunteer application so the appropriate background check may be completed.
- View all
current paid coaching opportunities available. Complete the online application process for the position(s) you desire and be sure to call the LEAP office to express your interest.