Parents & Families
TCAPS believes education is a partnership between our schools, students and parents. The following resources are intended to assist families in staying connected with our schools and curriculum. If you are unable to find what you are looking for or have a suggestion for improving the website, please contact us at info@tcaps.net.
Prospective Families
Thank you for considering Traverse City Area Public Schools (TCAPS) for your child’s educational journey. We are delighted to partner with you to help your child and every student reach his or her potential in an engaging, inspiring and challenging environment. Below are a few links to help you get acquainted with TCAPS. Should you need additional assistance or have any questions, please contact us at info@tcaps.net.
Current Families
This area is intended to assist our current TCAPS families in finding the most commonly sought after information. If you are unable to find what you are looking for or have a suggestion for improving the website, please contact us at info@tcaps.net.
Notifications & Policies
Student Handbooks
Extended Day Participant Handbook
Preschool Participant Handbook
Student Handbook: Elementary
Student Handbook: Secondary
All in a School Day
- Curriculum Information
- Extended Day Child Care
Grades: PowerSchool Public Portal
Grades: PowerSchool Public Portal Instructions
- Transportation Information
School Meals
Paying Tuition / Fees
Extracurricular/Learning Opportunities
Common Forms
Student Insurance
Transcript Requests
- Student Work Permits
Lunch: Request for Special Dietary Needs Accommodation Form
Lunch: Free/Reduced Online Application
Field Trip Parental Permission/Medical Form
Field Trip Driver Form
Field Trip Driver Emergency Instructions
Field Trip Chaperone Responsibilities
Field Trip Overnight Trip Student/Parent Contract
Sports Physical Form
Understanding Concussion
School Closings & Alerts Information
School Closings & Alerts
On the day of a school closing or when an important message needs to be shared, an Alert screen will appear every time the district and/or all school home pages are opened. (This is an embedded feature of the website and is not affected by pop up blockers.) Archived alert messages can be found on this webpage.
To subscribe to the School Closings & Alerts RSS feed, click on the orange RSS feed icon found at the end of the School Closings & Alerts title below to obtain the url to add to your RSS feed reader. Note: announcements will only be made when school is closed. There will be no "open" announcements.
TCAPS will also send text alerts to staff and families provided that they have opted in to receive text alerts from the district. This will allow the district and schools to share important and timely information with staff and families via text messaging, including snow day alerts. All text messages will come from the same number (87569). If you do not currently receive text messages, you can always opt in at any time by sending the word YES to 87569 and make sure your phone number is on file with the school. Texting is limited to contact numbers tied to the district’s staff and student databases, therefore is not available to the general public.
School closing information will continue to be shared via our normal methods: all local media stations, the district Facebook/Twitter feeds, and the bus hotline (231.933.1955). School closings are announced as early in the morning as possible, but can occur as late as 6:00 a.m.