Strategic Planning 2022

March 22 Survey Results
An overview of the results from the strategic plan survey were shared with the Board of Education Study Session on March 21. Read the overview.
February 2022 Community Survey Message
Community Survey Open Until February 28
The Traverse City Area Public Schools Board of Education has contracted with Northwest Education Services to assist with long-term strategic planning. This survey of all stakeholders is a critical part of that process. Surveys have been or will be conducted with our students, staff, parents, and community residents. Your individual answers will remain anonymous and will be reported only in aggregate. Responses to all questions are appreciated, but most are not required. A response by February 28 would be appreciated. Thank you for your assistance and consideration.
Dr. John VanWagoner, Superintendent
Scott Newman-Bale, Board President
October 15 Message
October 15, 2021
Dear TCAPS Community,
Last week, TCAPS shared over 450 invitations for the strategic planning stakeholder focus groups. Invitees were identified through a computer-generated program representing students, parents, community members, and staff. Northwest Education Services will moderate the 24 focus groups between October 20 and October 26, 2021. If you received an invitation, and have not yet responded, please RSVP.
Anyone wishing to participate who has not received an invitation is encouraged to sign up for a virtual community event on October 26, 2021 at 6:00 p.m..
In addition to the focus groups, comprehensive needs assessment surveys will be shared in the coming months. The result of this multi-step process will be an extensive, multi-year strategic plan for the district. Results and information will be shared along the way online. Questions about the strategic plan can be emailed to
October 1 Message
October 1, 2021
Dear TCAPS Community,
“Without continual growth and progress, such words as improvement, achievement, and success have no meaning.” ~ Benjamin Franklin
As a school community, we believe deeply in continuous improvement and growth. To live this mantra, it is critically important to celebrate the numerous accomplishments and successes we have had while simultaneously identifying areas of needed improvement. Establishing a clear vision and future plan requires the input of many individuals who have valuable experience and insight regarding our school and community.
TCAPS Board of Education is committed to a process by which we will solicit the input of all stakeholders in the community and use that data to drive our goals for improvement. The process for gathering that data and input is beginning now, with randomly selected student, staff, and parent focus groups convening in October. In addition, there will be a virtual focus group on Tuesday, October 26, 2021, at 6:00 p.m that is open to everyone. If you are interested in attending this virtual focus group, please RSVP to Stacey Hozak at 231-933-1725 or
Comprehensive needs assessment surveys will follow in the coming months. The result of this process will be an extensive, multi-year strategic plan. In support of our commitment to transparency, we will share results and information with you along the way.
We would like to thank our stakeholders for their continued support in our commitment to enhancing Traverse City Area Public Schools. It is an honor and privilege to serve the students and families of our great community.
Scott Newman-Bale
Board of Education President
John R. VanWagoner, II PhD
TCAPS Strategic Planning Services RFP
Traverse City Area Public Schools (TCAPS) seeks a consultant to support the Board of Education, staff, and key stakeholders in a strategic planning process to create a three to five-year strategic plan that guides the academic and operational direction of the organization. The consultant will work with the Board of Education, executive administration, and a Strategic Planning Committee to craft and implement the strategic planning process. The consultant should be comfortable with and have experience in the strategic planning process. The target is to have the strategic plan finalized by the end of 2021.
Submission Deadline: Complete proposals should be submitted to Stacey Hozak via email at by June 12, 2021, by 4:00 PM
View the full Request for Proposals (RFP).